As many of you know, I recently enjoyed debating Darby Callahan from the Callahan Corner podcast. We discussed issues such as sexism in elections, the Russo-Ukrainian War, and more during that debate. As many of you know, I made a response video last year to Mr. Callahan regarding his coverage of my interview with Dr. Isabel Skinner of the University of Illinois Springfield.
As I explained in my response to Mr. Callahan, sexism is an indelible part of elections, but that doesn’t mean women can’t win. Mr. Callahan seemingly agreed to an extent in his response.
As you can see from the debate, Mr. Callahan and I were mostly able to find some common ground though there were some tense moments on issues like abortion, education and the Russo-Ukrainian war. As many of you likely know, I have had a series of confrontations with people over the war and the appeasement or justification approaches proposed by both the right and left. Whether it was my debate with Agitation Rising’s Zach Gittrich or my response video Midwestern Marx’s Eddie Liger Smith, I am more than willing to call out any failure to support our allies overseas.
I look forward to any future debates that I may have and I hope to have your support in the future!
Thanks again!
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